Metadata: Street Lights

Street Lights

Type FeatureLayer
Category Transportation - Assets
Environment Production
Service Transportation
Dataset street_light_pdx
Last Update 01/01/1900
Name Layer Environment
Abandoned Autos Areas Transportation PORTAL
ADA Curbs Corners & Inlets (App Base Map) PBOT (Sidewalks, Bicycle, Street Lights) AGOL
ADA Curbs Corners & Inlets (Dashboard Base Map) PBOT (Sidewalks, Bicycle, Street Lights) AGOL
ADA Curbs, Corners & Inlets (Field Maps) PBOT (Sidewalks, Bicycle, Street Lights) AGOL
Argay N2R Utility Reviews -Copy RF Transportation AGOL
Argay N2R Utility Reviews-Copy Transportation AGOL
BES - CRM (Mapworks) Transportation PORTAL
Bicycle Routes Map-Copy Bicycle Routes AGOL
Boise N2R Utility Review -Copy RF Transportation AGOL
Boise N2R Utility Reviews Transportation AGOL
Boise N2R Utility Reviews -Copy RF Transportation AGOL
Boise N2R Utility Reviews-Preserve Transportation AGOL
Buckman N2R Utility Reviews Transportation AGOL
Buckman N2R Utility Reviews- Preserve Transportation AGOL
Capital Improvement Projects Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects AGOL
Capital Improvement Projects-Matt Freid Copy Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects AGOL
Carmen Review Transportation PORTAL
Civil Engineering - DRAFT 2 Transportation PORTAL
Civil Engineering Mapworks - DRAFT_1 Transportation PORTAL
Concordia N2R Utility Reviews Transportation AGOL
Corner and Curb Repair - Office (App Basemap) Transportation AGOL
Corner Repair Sidewalk Text AGOL
Corner Repair (For Collector) Transportation AGOL
Corner Repair3 Transportation AGOL
Cully N2R Utility Reviews Transportation AGOL
Cully N2R Utility Reviews -Copy RF Transportation AGOL
Development Planning - Mapworks (Production) Transportation PORTAL
Development Planning Mapworks - TEST Transportation PORTAL
Elm Monitoring Transportation PORTAL
Enforcement Dispatch Transportation AGOL
ESD Transportation PORTAL
ESD Collection Systems Network Sidewalk Text PORTAL
ESD Collection Systems Network-Copy Sidewalk Text PORTAL
ESD Hot Spots Transportation AGOL
ESD Locates Transportation PORTAL
ESD Locates (Field Maps)-Updated Transportation PORTAL
GPM_RealTime Transportation AGOL
Inlet Repair Transportation AGOL
Inspection Tracking Map (test) Transportation PORTAL
Inspection Tracking Map (test) nmv Transportation PORTAL
InternalDashboard_ROWUse Transportation PORTAL
Kevin's Capital Projects Map-Copy Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects AGOL
MapWorks Transportation AGOL
Mapworks BPS Planning Transportation (Bikes & Sidewalks) PORTAL
MapWorks Default Map Misc Transportation Layers PORTAL
N2R Utility Reviews Transportation AGOL
NCS Web Map Transportation - Sidewalks PORTAL
NCS/IA Web Map for Mapworks Transportation - Sidewalks PORTAL
ParkingReservationMap - For Install Crew (BARCODE TESTING) Transportation PORTAL
ParkingReservationMap - For Install Crew - TESTING Transportation PORTAL
ParkingReservationMap - FOR PE Transportation PORTAL
ParkingReservationMap - For Verification Crew Transportation PORTAL
Parks and IA Plantings REF - Sidewalk Layers PORTAL
Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects AGOL
PBOT - Development Review Sidewalk Text PORTAL
PBOT - Development Review - 20240423 Sidewalk Text PORTAL
PBOT - ESD - Coordinator Transportation PORTAL
PBOT - ESD - Coordinator Transportation PORTAL
PBOT - ESD - Locates Transportation PORTAL
PBOT - ESD - Locates-Copy Transportation PORTAL
PBOT - ESD - Locates-Copy 20230719 - Hold until C Lopez Approves Changes Transportation PORTAL
PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - Map Transportation AGOL
PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - Map - UpgradeTest2025 Transportation AGOL
PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - Map (prod) Transportation AGOL
PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - Map (test) Transportation AGOL
PBOT – Civil Engineering Sidewalk Text PORTAL
PBOT – Civil Engineering Transportation PORTAL
PBOT – Civil Engineering-Copy Sidewalk Text PORTAL
PBOT – Civil Engineering-Copy Transportation PORTAL
PBOT Leaf Pickup Districts Transportation AGOL
PBOT Leaf Pickup Districts Transportation AGOL
PBOT MO Map Pavement Markings AGOL
PBOT Properties for Sidewalk Assessment Transportation PORTAL
Portland Leaf Day Pickup Districts Leaf Pickup Districts AGOL
Portland Leaf Day Pickup Districts Transportation AGOL
Portland Leaf Pickup Districts-Copy Transportation AGOL
Portland Water Bureau - Dev Services Meter Info Transportation PORTAL
Portland Water Bureau - Dev Services Web Map Transportation PORTAL
Portland Water Bureau - Dev Services Web Map FOR Dev Services Transportation PORTAL
Portland Water Bureau - WebMap-Development Transportation PORTAL
PP&D - Archaeological Protection Areas (confidential) Sidewalk Text PORTAL
PP&D - FIR (MapWorks 3.0) Transportation PORTAL
PP&D - Land Use (MapWorks 3.0) Sidewalk Text PORTAL
PP&D - Permitting (MapWorks 3.0) Transportation PORTAL
PP&D - Property Compliance (MapWorks 3.0) Transportation PORTAL
PP&D Land Use (Parks Version) Sidewalk Text PORTAL
PublicFacingMap_ROWUse - Draft-DEV Transportation AGOL
PWB: Coordinators Map Transportation PORTAL
PWB: Customer Service Transportation PORTAL
PWB: Engineering with GeoTech Transportation PORTAL
PWB: Expanded Map Transportation PORTAL
PWB: Expanded Map_JamesTesting Transportation PORTAL
pwb: Field Users Map Transportation PORTAL
pwb: Field Water Inspectors Transportation PORTAL
PWB: Hydrant Program Transportation PORTAL
pwb: MasterWorks Transportation PORTAL
PWB: Survey ROW Transportation PORTAL
PWB: UDF Boundary Transportation PORTAL
PWB: UDF Field Map Transportation PORTAL
PWB: Water Quality Backflow Transportation PORTAL
PWB: WQ Inspectors Transportation PORTAL
Reference Data - GCX Editing Transportation PORTAL
Reference Data - GCX ROW Editing V2 Transportation PORTAL
ROW Coordination Dashboard Transportation PORTAL
Safety Soil Contamination Transportation PORTAL
Scratch_workspace Transportation AGOL
Sewer Locates2-fix Transportation AGOL
Sidewalk Inspection Transportation AGOL
Sidewalk Text Transportation AGOL
Sidewalk_Text Test Transportation PORTAL
SpeedLimits Transportation AGOL
Street Tree Inventory Sidewalk/Corners/Curbs/etc. PORTAL
Street Tree Inventory - Review & QC Sidewalk/Corners/Curbs/etc. PORTAL
Street Tree Inventory - Review & QC Sidewalk/Corners/Curbs/etc. PORTAL
Street Tree Inventory - Review & QC Sidewalk/Corners/Curbs/etc. PORTAL
Street Tree Inventory - Spotchecks Sidewalk/Corners/Curbs/etc. PORTAL
Survey Benchmarks Survey Benchmarks PORTAL
Survey Benchmarks Survey Benchmarks AGOL
Survey Benchmarks Transportation AGOL
TCP Map Pavement Markings new AGOL
TCP Map - BACKUP20240717 Pavement Markings AGOL
TCP Map - Backup20250121 Pavement Markings AGOL
TCP Review Transportation AGOL
Temporary Street Use Permitting (TSUP) Transportation PORTAL
TrackIT Sidewalks, Curbs & Traffic Islands PORTAL
TrackIT Sidewalks, Curbs & Traffic Islands AGOL
Traffic Counts Transportation AGOL
Traffic Counts Traffic Counts AGOL
TSUP Compliance Transportation PORTAL
Urban Forestry Park Planting Review Sidewalk Layers PORTAL
Water Quality Backflow Map Transportation PORTAL