Abandoned Autos Areas | Transportation | PORTAL |
ADA Curbs Corners & Inlets (App Base Map) | PBOT (Sidewalks, Bicycle, Street Lights) | AGOL |
ADA Curbs Corners & Inlets (Dashboard Base Map) | PBOT (Sidewalks, Bicycle, Street Lights) | AGOL |
ADA Curbs, Corners & Inlets (Field Maps) | PBOT (Sidewalks, Bicycle, Street Lights) | AGOL |
Argay N2R Utility Reviews -Copy RF | Transportation | AGOL |
Argay N2R Utility Reviews-Copy | Transportation | AGOL |
BES - CRM (Mapworks) | Transportation | PORTAL |
Bicycle Routes Map-Copy | Bicycle Routes | AGOL |
Boise N2R Utility Review -Copy RF | Transportation | AGOL |
Boise N2R Utility Reviews | Transportation | AGOL |
Boise N2R Utility Reviews -Copy RF | Transportation | AGOL |
Boise N2R Utility Reviews-Preserve | Transportation | AGOL |
Buckman N2R Utility Reviews | Transportation | AGOL |
Buckman N2R Utility Reviews- Preserve | Transportation | AGOL |
Capital Improvement Projects | Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects | AGOL |
Capital Improvement Projects-Matt Freid Copy | Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects | AGOL |
Carmen Review | Transportation | PORTAL |
Civil Engineering - DRAFT 2 | Transportation | PORTAL |
Civil Engineering Mapworks - DRAFT_1 | Transportation | PORTAL |
Concordia N2R Utility Reviews | Transportation | AGOL |
Corner and Curb Repair - Office (App Basemap) | Transportation | AGOL |
Corner Repair | Sidewalk Text | AGOL |
Corner Repair (For Collector) | Transportation | AGOL |
Corner Repair3 | Transportation | AGOL |
Cully N2R Utility Reviews | Transportation | AGOL |
Cully N2R Utility Reviews -Copy RF | Transportation | AGOL |
Development Planning - Mapworks (Production) | Transportation | PORTAL |
Development Planning Mapworks - TEST | Transportation | PORTAL |
Elm Monitoring | Transportation | PORTAL |
Enforcement Dispatch | Transportation | AGOL |
ESD | Transportation | PORTAL |
ESD Collection Systems Network | Sidewalk Text | PORTAL |
ESD Collection Systems Network-Copy | Sidewalk Text | PORTAL |
ESD Hot Spots | Transportation | AGOL |
ESD Locates | Transportation | PORTAL |
ESD Locates (Field Maps)-Updated | Transportation | PORTAL |
GPM_RealTime | Transportation | AGOL |
Inlet Repair | Transportation | AGOL |
Inspection Tracking Map (test) | Transportation | PORTAL |
Inspection Tracking Map (test) nmv | Transportation | PORTAL |
InternalDashboard_ROWUse | Transportation | PORTAL |
Kevin's Capital Projects Map-Copy | Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects | AGOL |
MapWorks | Transportation | AGOL |
Mapworks BPS Planning | Transportation (Bikes & Sidewalks) | PORTAL |
MapWorks Default Map | Misc Transportation Layers | PORTAL |
N2R Utility Reviews | Transportation | AGOL |
NCS Web Map | Transportation - Sidewalks | PORTAL |
NCS/IA Web Map for Mapworks | Transportation - Sidewalks | PORTAL |
ParkingReservationMap - For Install Crew (BARCODE TESTING) | Transportation | PORTAL |
ParkingReservationMap - For Install Crew - TESTING | Transportation | PORTAL |
ParkingReservationMap - FOR PE | Transportation | PORTAL |
ParkingReservationMap - For Verification Crew | Transportation | PORTAL |
Parks and IA Plantings | REF - Sidewalk Layers | PORTAL |
Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects | Pavement Moratorium & Planned Paving Projects | AGOL |
PBOT - Development Review | Sidewalk Text | PORTAL |
PBOT - Development Review - 20240423 | Sidewalk Text | PORTAL |
PBOT - ESD - Coordinator | Transportation | PORTAL |
PBOT - ESD - Coordinator | Transportation | PORTAL |
PBOT - ESD - Locates | Transportation | PORTAL |
PBOT - ESD - Locates-Copy | Transportation | PORTAL |
PBOT - ESD - Locates-Copy 20230719 - Hold until C Lopez Approves Changes | Transportation | PORTAL |
PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - Map | Transportation | AGOL |
PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - Map - UpgradeTest2025 | Transportation | AGOL |
PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - Map (prod) | Transportation | AGOL |
PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - PBOT - Keep Portland Moving - Map (test) | Transportation | AGOL |
PBOT – Civil Engineering | Sidewalk Text | PORTAL |
PBOT – Civil Engineering | Transportation | PORTAL |
PBOT – Civil Engineering-Copy | Sidewalk Text | PORTAL |
PBOT – Civil Engineering-Copy | Transportation | PORTAL |
PBOT Leaf Pickup Districts | Transportation | AGOL |
PBOT Leaf Pickup Districts | Transportation | AGOL |
PBOT MO Map | Pavement Markings | AGOL |
PBOT Properties for Sidewalk Assessment | Transportation | PORTAL |
Portland Leaf Day Pickup Districts | Leaf Pickup Districts | AGOL |
Portland Leaf Day Pickup Districts | Transportation | AGOL |
Portland Leaf Pickup Districts-Copy | Transportation | AGOL |
Portland Water Bureau - Dev Services Meter Info | Transportation | PORTAL |
Portland Water Bureau - Dev Services Web Map | Transportation | PORTAL |
Portland Water Bureau - Dev Services Web Map FOR Dev Services | Transportation | PORTAL |
Portland Water Bureau - WebMap-Development | Transportation | PORTAL |
PP&D - Archaeological Protection Areas (confidential) | Sidewalk Text | PORTAL |
PP&D - FIR (MapWorks 3.0) | Transportation | PORTAL |
PP&D - Land Use (MapWorks 3.0) | Sidewalk Text | PORTAL |
PP&D - Permitting (MapWorks 3.0) | Transportation | PORTAL |
PP&D - Property Compliance (MapWorks 3.0) | Transportation | PORTAL |
PP&D Land Use (Parks Version) | Sidewalk Text | PORTAL |
PublicFacingMap_ROWUse - Draft-DEV | Transportation | AGOL |
PWB: Coordinators Map | Transportation | PORTAL |
PWB: Customer Service | Transportation | PORTAL |
PWB: Engineering with GeoTech | Transportation | PORTAL |
PWB: Expanded Map | Transportation | PORTAL |
PWB: Expanded Map_JamesTesting | Transportation | PORTAL |
pwb: Field Users Map | Transportation | PORTAL |
pwb: Field Water Inspectors | Transportation | PORTAL |
PWB: Hydrant Program | Transportation | PORTAL |
pwb: MasterWorks | Transportation | PORTAL |
PWB: Survey ROW | Transportation | PORTAL |
PWB: UDF Boundary | Transportation | PORTAL |
PWB: UDF Field Map | Transportation | PORTAL |
PWB: Water Quality Backflow | Transportation | PORTAL |
PWB: WQ Inspectors | Transportation | PORTAL |
Reference Data - GCX Editing | Transportation | PORTAL |
Reference Data - GCX ROW Editing V2 | Transportation | PORTAL |
ROW Coordination Dashboard | Transportation | PORTAL |
Safety Soil Contamination | Transportation | PORTAL |
Scratch_workspace | Transportation | AGOL |
Sewer Locates2-fix | Transportation | AGOL |
Sidewalk Inspection | Transportation | AGOL |
Sidewalk Text | Transportation | AGOL |
Sidewalk_Text Test | Transportation | PORTAL |
SpeedLimits | Transportation | AGOL |
Street Tree Inventory | Sidewalk/Corners/Curbs/etc. | PORTAL |
Street Tree Inventory - Review & QC | Sidewalk/Corners/Curbs/etc. | PORTAL |
Street Tree Inventory - Review & QC | Sidewalk/Corners/Curbs/etc. | PORTAL |
Street Tree Inventory - Review & QC | Sidewalk/Corners/Curbs/etc. | PORTAL |
Street Tree Inventory - Spotchecks | Sidewalk/Corners/Curbs/etc. | PORTAL |
Survey Benchmarks | Survey Benchmarks | PORTAL |
Survey Benchmarks | Survey Benchmarks | AGOL |
Survey Benchmarks | Transportation | AGOL |
TCP Map | Pavement Markings new | AGOL |
TCP Map - BACKUP20240717 | Pavement Markings | AGOL |
TCP Map - Backup20250121 | Pavement Markings | AGOL |
TCP Review | Transportation | AGOL |
Temporary Street Use Permitting (TSUP) | Transportation | PORTAL |
TrackIT | Sidewalks, Curbs & Traffic Islands | PORTAL |
TrackIT | Sidewalks, Curbs & Traffic Islands | AGOL |
Traffic Counts | Transportation | AGOL |
Traffic Counts | Traffic Counts | AGOL |
TSUP Compliance | Transportation | PORTAL |
Urban Forestry Park Planting Review | Sidewalk Layers | PORTAL |
Water Quality Backflow Map | Transportation | PORTAL |